Here's How To Get In Touch

  • By email at [email protected]

  • By phone at +44 (0) 7479 343963

  • You can schedule a free Weight Loss Audit clicking here where you can learn more about my Weight Mastery programme for women who struggle with weight during menopause (appointment only).

Weight Mastery is for you, if what used to work no longer works

Most women struggle with weight during menopause but do not seek help

  • Because they think they should know.

  • Because they think they should try harder.

  • Because they think they lack willpower.

  • Because they think they had let themselves go.

  • Because they are trying complicated methods that do not work for their lives.

  • Because they are exhausted

Eating and enjoying food while maintaining a healthy weight should and can be simpler. Let me help you.

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